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Tracing the Medallion Block Pattern for the Baltimore Album Quilt

Hi everyone,

The first decision I needed to make in the making of the center medallion is the size. I ended up placing 4 cut blocks that I had already together. The blocks I mark all the same. When I placed them together, I was so excited to see that they created a center block with a border. Ah hah and woohoo! This is what I went with.

The lines are a little hard to see. My fingers are in the border area, pointing toward the center block. I was so excited when I saw this.

Then I needed to decide the pattern size. I figured out the difference between the original block size that the patterns are made for which is 12 ½ inches square and my block which is 16 inches square. That percentage difference I took to the copy store and made my enlargements on either side of those numbers. The percentage enlargement based on the differences was 128% for the center pattern and 130% for the border pattern. The 130% is a decrease because the pattern is designed for a 10-inch-wide border and mine is 8 inches.

I placed the 128% and 130% enlargements in the center and border, respectively. To my surprise, the center design did not fill the block as much as I wanted. I ended up using the 150% enlargement in the center and 136% for the border pattern.

Next step is to the light table to start my tracing. The Quilting Plus More YouTube channel

video shows my light table, and talk about the marking pen I use. When I mark, I mark the area between my fingers. I do this because it seems to hold the fabric in place better and minimize fabric movement. More on that in the video as well.

After I had the patterns traced on, I hung the block on the design wall. There was something about it I did not like, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. My husband noticed that the design was sitting low in the block. Ah hah! That was it. I did not like the balance of the pattern within the block. I took off the original tracing and created a new center for the block. I did this by marking a new center line on the pattern itself and marked the pattern on the new center. Yep, liked it then. Woohoo, progress!

Everyone has different tastes which is a good thing right? If there is something about a pattern that does not fit your taste, change it! I have done that in a couple patterns that I made. It is fun to do and can provide a learning experience as well. This entire project has been a learning experience for me, and I love it! I am learning something new with each block made.

The patterns that I am using are:

“Bread and Wine” Pattern #2 Page 205

The Best of Baltimore Beauties

By Elly Sienkiewicz

“Grape Vine Border” Page 121

The Best of Baltimore Beauties Part II

By Elly Sienkiewicz

Check out the videos that detail the progress on the Baltimore Album Quilt at Quilting Plus More YouTube channel.

Thank you for joining me. Have a great day everyone.

Bye for now….




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