Rose Tour for Inspiration - End of June
Hi everyone,
I filmed an end of June Rose Tour that was an impromptu video after I spent the morning working in the rose point flower bed. The rose point flower bed has had an ongoing vole problem and those little buggers had their runs everywhere and some were under the plants. I knocked down the runs, fertilized, and worked in vole/mole deterrent into the soil around the roses. I spread the same mole/vole deterrent around the roses and other plants on the surface in the area as well. I was hopeful that it would work. It did not work, I might add.
The area where I live has thunderstorms roll through, so I have decided that I should get my videos recorded when possible. We had some storms roll through and many of our plants took a beating. I ended up having to prune many plants in our gardens including several of our roses. Many of them were pushing new growth but were not in bloom at the time of filming. Unfortunately, I did not film the roses at their first flush of blossoms. Learning experience for sure.
I did not have any photographs of the roses from the time of filming, just the film itself. So, I thought I would include some photos of them taken before and after filming. These are not all of my roses but it shows a good variety.
I hope that showing you a variety of roses gives you inspiration for your garden. There are so many varieties on the market now – something for everyone.
The corresponding video of the tour is available for viewing at the Quilting Plus More YouTube channel.
I hope you enjoy the tour. Thank you for joining me.
Have a wonderful day everyone.
Bye for now….

The Poet's Wife above and below. A David Austin rose.

Oso Easy Italian Ice above and below.

Easy Elegance Sweet Fragrance above and below.

Easy Elegance Sweet Fragrance above and below.

Claire Austin above and below. A David Austin rose.

Cherry Sun Blaze above and below.

Ambridge Rose below. A David Austin Rose.

Olivia Rose Tree below. A David Austin Rose. This photo doesn't do this rose justice. It is more of a light pink color.

The End.
Thank you again for joining me!